How to hide your community posts from your Google+ profile

Recently Google+ announced Google+ communities, which gave members great opportunities to discuss a lot of issues in high quality communities and meet a lot of new Google+ users.

But one annoying thing about the communities was, that when you wrote a post in a community, the post was also showed in your public stream and on your profile. So if you have more communities that you wrote the same post to, the same post would show up in your profile several times. And something you thought was only a discussion between you and the community, was published to your public stream. A lot of Google+ users found this annoying.

So finally Google announced that they have made a new option for hiding your community posts from the public stream. A great new setting on Google+. If you want to hide your community posts from the public stream and profile, just do this:

  1. Go to your settings –
  2. Find the paragraph called “Communities”
  3. Uncheck  the setting “Show your Google+ communities posts on the Posts tab of your Google+ profile”.
  4. Now your Google+ community posts will not show up on your profile or public stream.

Generally, if this setting is checked (which it is by default), your Google+ community posts will show up in your public stream, if the community is Public – not if it is Private.

If you have unchecked this setting and want to share your community post with your public stream, you can still share the post in manually in the regular way.

I hope you can use this little tip. You can also follow me on Google+.

Andreas Andersen

Forfatter og grundlægger af, der har blogget om IT-emner siden 2012. Findes på Mastodon på

4 Responses

  1. reza siger:

    I can’t find something like what you said!!
    i think Google plus have deleted this choice?
    what can i do now?

  2. Thank for this. The comments no longer appear on my google profile however they still appear on my blog page in the comments Is there anything I can do to stop them appearing there too? Thank you 🙂

  3. Sofia siger:

    Thanks! You’re awesome!

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